Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of the most common questions we
get about Port Forwarding Wizard. If your question isn't answered, please contact
General Questions

General Questions
Q. Which
computers will Port Forwarding Wizard work on?
A. Port Forwarding Wizard will work on Windows 2000, xp system,Solaris and Linux system.
Q. What kinds of protocol can be supported?
A. Port Forwarding Wizard forwards any TCP/UDP
protocol. For example: HTTP, SMTP, POP, TELNET, NETBIOS and SSL and integrated with http proxy function.
Q. Why router management is not available?
A. If you click "Router Management" menu and see error "Failed to find a router.Please make sure your router's UPnP option is enabled!",this is often because that your router's UPnP option is disabled.Please login into your router and enable this option.If you still get this error,you should set your windows firewall or other firewall you installed,open port 1900 of UDP and port 2869 of TCP. After all this,you can use upnp port forwarding function of Port Forwarding Wizard.
Q. How much does Port Forwarding Wizard cost?
A. Port Forwarding Wizard costs USD $24.95 and the Pro version costs $34.95. If you're purchasing from another country, the
cost will be converted into your local currency by your credit card
Q. How do I purchase
Port Forwarding Wizard?
A. Please see this page: Buy Now
